A Time To Reflect and Say Thank You To Our Customers
What started out 20 years ago as an amateur radio public service project to get critical severe
weather alerts to police, fire and first responders has evolved into a nationwide emergency
communications business that thousands of people rely on every day. This is a wonderful story of
continued progress in support of the NWS' goal of saving lives and property through the issuance of
severe weather forecasts and warnings. This is an unfinished tale that often goes in circles!
In the late 1980's the NWS was modernizing by consolidating over 300 forecast offices down
to 122, adding the new Doppler radar, and reorganizing their volunteer severe weather
spotting program called Skywarn. Gropper assisted the NWS in reformatting Skywarn with a
structural organization similar to a volunteer fire department and drafted a national operations
manual for the program. The manual's goal was to be copied and adapted for local severe weather
operations. The Skywarn Program continues to
grow and save lives and property. Kansas City Skywarn Manual


Being in the NWS Baltimore/Washington Forecast Office for major weather events including Hurricane Andrew,
the Blizzards of 1993 and 1996 and numerous tornado and flooding events, gave us a great appreciation
for the dedication and skill of NWS personnel. We noticed that although severe weather warnings
were being timely issued, emergency responders were not receiving them as they usually only monitored
their radio channels. There had to be a way to tie NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) into emergency communications systems
without disrupting communications in progress. This led to the development of the
WE110/AE120. Being on the leading edge often runs afoul
of existing rules. We worked with the FCC to revise the
amateur radio rules in 1993 to permit NWR to be automatically retransmitted. This has proven to be a lifesaver.
One of our client's, Henry County TN, received a NWS award for retransmitting the first NWR tornado
alert heard in the county as the system was placed in service!.
Never far from our thoughts is the reality that the weather can be a killer. One heartbreaking story
was the Palm Sunday tornado outbreak in Piedmont, Al where many
people died after a F4 tornado struck the
Goshen Church when they did not receive the tornado warnings. Our thoughts and prayers for these folks
are still vivid today. This event redoubled our efforts.


After 9/11, NWR truly became All Hazards radio, transmitting, in addition to severe weather warnings,
Amber missing children alerts and a broad range of
non weather emergency alerts
such as 911 Telephone Outage and Shelter in Place. In 2002 we particpated in a major
FCC Emergency Alert
System rulemaking, Many of our suggestions were considered and adopted.

We thank our wonderful clients, who are our biggest
supporters and cheerleaders, for 20 great
years. We look forward to the next 20. Keep those
great ideas and requirements coming.

WE110 – Stand-alone Receiver

WE110R-Rack Mount

WE110 Receiver -
AE120 SAME-EAS Decoder

WE105 Receiver -
Translates Alerts to Text

MRI-100 MultiRadio Interface

FipsServer Custom Weather Website

SP100 SignPrinter Interface

One Line LED Signboard

Two Line LED Signboard

Rugged Printer

Strobe Light