The AlertEagle® units are controlled by modern and sophisticated computers called micrcocontrollers (MCUs). These MCUs run on software that is compiled into a hex file that is downloaded electronically into each ThunderEagle® unit.
The AlertEagle® units with MCUs have an on-board modular connector to receive software upgrades in the field from a PC with a serial port using the optional field programming unit. One programmer can be used to program all AlertEagle® units having MCUs.

Firmware upgrades are posted on the Customer Login area.

WE110 – Stand-alone Receiver

WE110R-Rack Mount

WE110 Receiver -
AE120 SAME-EAS Decoder

WE105 Receiver -
Translates Alerts to Text

MRI-100 MultiRadio Interface

FipsServer Custom Weather Website

SP100 SignPrinter Interface

One Line LED Signboard

Two Line LED Signboard

Rugged Printer

Strobe Light